Dig your well
The well, as you know, is one of the major sources of water for consumption purpose, but no matter how urgent the need for the water is, if the well is not dug to a sustainable depth where it can supply clean water and spring up more water consistently then it won’t be long before it no longer cease to be valuable.
This illustration follows in addressing our individual enterprise, because it is one thing that an enterprise is addressing a major problem in the society and it is another thing for the enterprise to be able to serve many people adequately at the same time.
Just like it is when for the labourer that is digging the well, the knowledge of the the teeming need that the well is going to serve makes him keep digging until he reaches a sustainable depth likewise in business/enterprise, you must understand that to stay around for long and keep meeting the needs of your audience you must be intentional about building structures that makes it possible to meet that need for you a large scale of audience at the same level of quantity.
My dear friend, I know your idea is fantastic and you are 100% sure of its ability to meet the teeming needs of people in a particular area. Your genius is expressed in your ability to add to your excitement systems that makes this possible and scalable consistently — dig your wells!
So review your enterprise, implement automations, make allowance for creating new roles and responsibilities, expand your labour force, establish new branches, partner with complementing businesses. Do anything within your capacity to build sustainable systems.
Make God distill wisdom in your heart.
Your friend,
Segun Onilude.